
Crochet Along!

I'm so excited to join the 63 Squares Crochet Along at Crochetville (well, I havne't officially joined, as that page is down temporarily). Other people working on the same afghan I am, but they will all look so different (and many have already finished, with stunning results).


posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 25, 2006 @ 11:15 PM


63 to Crochet

I've been working on the 63 Easy-to-Crochet Pattern Stitches sampler afghan as a secret present for my husband. I like making a squares afghan, because if he sees any one square, I can claim it's for an exchange, and he won't get suspicious (maybe; but then again, he's paid to be suspicious).

I've got a chart below of the square so I can update as I go. The italic squares are not yet done. I am using Wool Ease in a brick red, heather grey (main color), and hunter green. It's looking great! I'm using an I hook, so each square is bigger than the pattern calls for, the afghan will be bigger than the pattern calls for, but that's A-OK, because my husband is bigger than the pattern calls for (he's 6'4").

Square Count: 38 (over halfway there!) updated 5/25/2006

1 - single crochet

2 - half double crochet

3 - double crochet

4 - treble crochet

5 - front and back loop hdc

6 - trinity stitch

7 - alternate puff stitch

8 - chevron relief stitch

9 - arch stitch

10 - offset cluster

11 - horizontal relief stitch

12 - open ridge stitch

13 - bushy stitch

14 - seed stitch

15 - afghan square

16 - granny square

17 - cluster square

18 - woven relief stitch

19 - circle in a square

20 - plain square

21 - flower square

22 - cross stitch

23 - slant stitch

24 - climbing shells

25 - aligned shells

26 - simple shell stitch

27 - block and offset shell stitch

28 - boxed shell stitch

29 - alternate spike sc

30 - eyelet lace

31 - check stitch

32 - aligned cobble stitch>

33 - silt stitch

34 - V stitch

35 - twin stitch

36 - little crowns

37 - popcorn braid

38 - diagonal popcorn

39 - popcorn diamond

40 - fan stitch

41 - fan and popcorn

42 - fan trellis

43 - puff stitch

44 - cluster braid

45 - crossed ripple stitch

46 - palm leaves

47 - ripple stitch

48 - raised ripple stitch

49 - lacy wave stitch

50 - picot stitch

51 - star stitch

52 - up and down stitch

53 - crossed puff stitch

54 - aligned puff stitch

55 - parallel post stitch

56 - snapdragon stitch

57 - alternate mesh stitch

58 - soft clusters

59 - clusters

60 - doubles

61 - rib stitch

62 - basket weave

63 - parallel cables

posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 19, 2006 @ 4:11 PM


Mystic Pizza...Hotpad

My foray into cloth-strip crochet, this is a hot pad for our pizza stone. My family is big into homemade pizza, and this is just the right size for our stone. It get's a weekly workout, and just looking at it makes me want some cheesy pizza!


posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 12, 2006 @ 11:51 PM


Good Grief!

Has it really been nearly 2 months since I have last blogged? Oh, how busy I have been!!!

First off... I took the plunge and I know am bi-fibrous. That is, I now knit, in addition to crocheting. My first project? The recently completed pair of Two-At-Once Toe-Up socks (from the KnitPicks site). I need to get some pictures; I am VERY proud of them! I used some lovely white/light blue/dark blue variegated cotton yarn from Holly Spring Homespun. I have to say, getting started with knitting both on two circulars was a bit challenging, but I was persistent! My sister-in-law has hinted none-to-subtly that she would like a pair just like it, and I think I have enough yarn left over to make a matching baby pair for my 17 month old.

Also, I have started designing a wedding set for my dear friend. I am crocheting a beaded garter, and doing a knit/crochet combo for some truly unique lingerie!

In addition, I am about 30 squares into the 63 Pattern Stitches to make an Heirloom Afghan (that's not the exact name, but most crocheters know which I'm talking about). I am using an I hook and Wool-Ease yarn in grey, burgandy and hunter green. Shh! It's a secret present for my husband!

I've also found some pictures that I hope to get posted soon of some other current projects.

posted by Anonymous on @ 11:38 PM