
A New Design

Where has Katherine been? I'll tell you where - crocheting up a storm! With Christmas upon us, I've been working furiously on crocheted ornaments and gifts afghans, all of my own design, which adds a certain level of frogging as you make something work best.

I'm very excited that in addition to my crocheted items, I am nearly ready to release my doily pattern. Part of the delay is that now my designing brain is working overtime, and I want to get ideas down before I forget them. One design in particular has me very excited. I don't want to give too much away before the pattern is even fully written, but here are two hints:

That doesn't help? Well, that's why it's called a teaser. (Although generally only mathematicians consider such pictures a tease)(that's another hint)

Keep checking back as the project is revealed!


posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 @ 6:08 PM


Blocking Guides - for Doilies and Snowflakes

Let it be known (as it pretty well is) that I am somewhat on the anal-retentive end of the spectrum when it comes to blocking doilies and snowflakes. I bought a big piece of foam insulation, and carved it into planks and squares, which I took a protractor, ruler, and sharpie pens to to create mathamatically exact blocking guides. I cover my boards with cling wrap, and pin away!

Since there are so many varieties of doilies and snowflakes out there - perfectly circular ones being my waterloo - I thought it would be helpful to have a set of patterns I could print out and put on my board as needed. And then I thought I might not be the only one that would find them useful.

So here are most of the ones I have thus far! Each one has hash marks evenly down each radius, and there is a version of each that has circular guides. Let me know if there is a type of guide you would be interested in having - I wouldn't mind whipping it up, and I probably will need it myself at some point.

Please note that I'm providing these guides free, but I retain the copyright. What does that mean? Don't try to sell them, or post them on your own site. Feel free to link here, however! Thumbnails are below - either save link destination, or click on an image and save.

5 Point

5 Point (Circular)

6 Point

6 Point (Circular)

8 Point

8 Point (Circular)

9 Point

9 Point (Circular)

10 Point

10 Point (Circular)

11 Point

11 Point (Circular)

12 Point

12 Point (Circular)

16 Point

16 Point (Circular)

18 Point

18 Point (Circular)

20 Point

20 Point (Circular)

24 Point

24 Point (Circular)

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posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 @ 12:50 AM


Game Day Afghan Pattern

I've had some requests for the pattern for my Game Day Afghan, so I've typed it up and have it available as a pdf. Since I can't post attachments to the blog, I've hosted it with Click here to open the download page (opens in new window), or email me if you have any problems and would like the pattern!

Alternately, you can save the image files of each page. Each small image is a link to the full sized image file.

Page One

Page Two

Copyright notice: This pattern is protected by copyright laws. Violations include (but are not limited to) selling this pattern or posting this pattern on your own site. Feel free to link to this free pattern, however, with my thanks.

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posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 11:29 PM