
DCX, Redux

This is the second dishcloth I ever crocheted.

I thought about what I liked in dishcloths. I like them to be thick and I like them to be "texture-y". So I just took my hook and my yarn and started crocheting. I really like the finished effect!

Materials used: Peaches n' Cream cotton (less than one ball); H/8 hook

Chain 26.

Row 1: DC in 3rd chain from hook (skipped 2 ch count as first dc) and every chain across (25 dc).

Row 2: Chain 2, turn. FPDC in 2nd stitch from hook and next 3 stitches; *BPDC in next 5 stitches; FPDC in next 5 stitches*; repeat from * to * once. (25 dc)
Row 3: Chain 2, turn. BPDC in 2nd stitch from hook and next 3 stitches; *FPDC in next 5 stitches; BPDC in next 5 stitches*; repeat from * to * once. (25 dc)
Row 4, 6: Repeat Row 2
Row 5: Repeat Row 3

Row 7, 9, 11: Repeat Row 2
Row 8, 10: Repeat Row 3

Rows 12-26: Repeat Band One and Band Two, then Band One again
Row 27: Chain one, turn. SC in each stitch across (25 sc). DO NOT FINISH OFF

Round 1: Chain one, turn. SC in same stitch. *^"K-Stitch" (below) across to next corner.^ 3 sc in stitch.* Repeat from * to * twice, then ^ to ^ once more. SC in first space () and then slip stitch to first stitch.
Round 2: Repeat Round one to (). Chain 10 for loop and then slip stitch to first stitch.
Finish off.

Stitches uses: chain (ch), single crochet (SC), double crochet (DC), Front Post Double Crochet (FPDC), Back Post Double Crochet (BPDC), "K-stitch" [insert hook in SAME stitch, pull up loop (2 loops on hook); insert hook in NEXT stitch, pull up loop (3 loops on hook); YO and pull through all 3 loops on hook]. (c) 2006

I'm sure there is another name for what I call the "K-stitch", but I don't know it. So I like K-stitch :-)

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posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 @ 6:56 PM


Q Hook Madness

Colonial Freedom
I made this afghan for my mom and dad for Christmas last year. It used double strands of Mainstays yarn in a dusty blue, brick red, and cream and a Q hook (plus a sc gold border). There are 13 stars on each side (it just didn't feel right with them only on the "right" side).
For years my parents had a torn and tattered American flag with this arrangement (replica, I'm sure) framed above the mantle. This one is now on their couch (until my husband steals it back... they're lucky they actually got it!).

I think the name of this "pattern" is "Hearthside Stripes" from Afghans for All Seasons, Book 2. But it is really a very simple, very large afghan using the same colors as above, but in different configuration and with fringe.
I made this for my parents-in-law last Christmas, as well as smaller versions for my husband's best friend and wife, my aunt and uncle, and my best friend. I was pregnant at the time, and I was nesting and crocheting.


posted by Anonymous on @ 6:22 PM


P as in "Phoebe", H as in "Hoebe" ... E as in "'ello, mate!"

The Blanket and Mr. BearCorner Detail
I made this baby blanket for my cousin Amy's baby Phoebe (my model is my daughter's friend, Mr. Bear). I can't for the life of me remember the book from which the pattern came! If anyone recognizes it, please let me know because I would like to use that edging again.

The body is a simple mesh; it's the edging that gives the blanket the "spark".
Update: 2/23/2006 - Mystery solved! The blanket is "In Baby's Honor" and is pgs. 48-50 in Afghans for All Seasons, Book 4 (not the one I own, the one I checked out from the public library!). CPers are the best!


posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 @ 7:41 PM


Go Tar Heels!

This is the afghan I made my dear sister-in-law for Christmas. She is a huge fan of my alma matter, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, so I made her a "Game Day" blanket. I used Mainstays yarn, an I hook, and a basic chevron pattern.

I didn't have a pattern, per se. I merely chained as wide as I wanted (keeping in mind the multiples+ needed for the chevron pattern I wanted), and went to town with double crochets! This afghan really flew, and was great for working on while watching TV (otherwise, I may have gotten bored of the simple stitch).

Pattern Now Available - Click Here!

The blanket is Carolina blue, with four accent bands of navy, white, navy. This afghan could easily be made with any team's colors! If anyone actually wanted a pattern (number for chains, stitches, rows, etc.) I would be more than happy to type it up.

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posted by Anonymous on @ 7:05 PM


Crochet Book Bonanza

Ever since I was a child, I would look forward to trips to the library. Poring over the books, cracking musty spines, picking books based on their covers (I did!), and long wooden boxes from the card catalogue could entrance me for hours... not to mention once I started actually READING the books!

When I got to the age where I was doing research papers, I discovered the joy of borrowing books from other libraries in the system. And how nice it is when libraries in your system have great books to borrow! I perused online the crochet books available, and then eagerly awaited their arrival at my local branch. Here are a few I found:

24-Hour Crochet Projects by Rita Weiss

Twenty-three various projects (several with multiple patterns), from thread doilies to worsted afghans, with tops, hats, scarves, purses and more between, this book is full of patterns I would make. Out of the 23, there are 13 I would definitely make (and another 2 I would if I lost a little weight, or had a more toned friend who wanted it!). Full color pictures (with an s... multiple of each project), detailed patterns, and "countdown clocks" of time to make the project (yes, they all clock in under 24 hours of crocheting, though your time may vary) make this a great book for anyone who likes a wide array of projects.

Who this book might not be for: crocheters afraid of gauge, or who prefer stunning afghans.

Crochet: Fantastic Jewelry, Hats, Purses, Pillows & More by Jane Davis

When I requested this book (and all of these books), I did so based on the title (or in some cases the author(s)). I did not have the picture you see before you now. I get it. It's for kids.

That being said, I would recommend checking this book out if you have a young (middle school, tops) crocheter on your hands! The projects are all things kids could make (the first two "projects" are basically making a chain, used as shoelaces and the "cat's cradle" game), and actually use (purses, cell phone holders, slippers, juggling bags). This book also has a lot of content besides patterns - how to crochet; how different yarns are, well, different; techniques like felting and sewing pieces together; and reading patterns. This book also has more "boy" oriented (or at least neutral) projects than many other books I've seen.

Who this book probably isn't for: older crocheters (late teens and up) of any skill level; experienced young crocheters.

Blue Ribbon Afghans from America's State Fairs: 40 Prize Winning Crocheted Designs by Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader

I had peeked at this book briefly at Michael's, and one of the patterns was featured at Annie's Attic as their "Free Pattern of the Day" a while back, so I was already excited this book was newly added to the library's collection. I loved it! The patterns range from simple elegance to intricate designs, both commercial designs and original designs. I did think it was "cheating" a bit that there were two "doubles"; the same pattern, simply stitched by different blue ribbon winners with different yarns. There were also a proliferation of granny square afghans.

As a "coffee table book" junkie and fair enthusiast (just don't ask me to ride the rides!), I was also enthralled by all of the bits and snips regarding the history of fairs in America, as well as a smorgasboard of pictures of all facets of the fairgoing experience liberally peppered throughout the book. A few of my favorites are the "Sweet Baby Afghan Sampler", "Noah's Ark", and "Victorian Elegance".

Who this book probably isn't for: crocheters that don't like afghans. But there are seriously afghans for all levels in this book, so if you like afghans, go for it!

A note on this book: I've heard from Deb that there are a whopping 5-1/2 pages of corrections to patterns in this book. Yikes. Crocheter beware. I'm still going to use the book, but you might want to ask for corrections before you start a big project.

Vanna's Favorite Gift Afghans

This is another I had briefly perused at craft shops, so I had a good idea what to expect when it arrived.

Forty-five afghans, with suggestions for occasions (from "Welcome, Neighbor" to "Mother's Day"), fill this book. There are various types of afghans - they're not all mile-a-minute, though there are a few. While all of the afghans are lovely, they all seem as though they would work up fairly quickly, making them fun (no time to get bored by a simple pattern) and easier to part with for the recipient for whom the afghan was intended!

I will definitely be making the "Double Wedding Ring" afghan, and I'm sure it won't be the only one.

Who this book might not be for: crocheters that prefer more intricate, challenging and/or unique afghans.

Woman's Day Prize Winning Afghans

This was listed under "crochet" in the card catalog, but when I got it I realized that's only half true. About 50 percent of the book is actually knitted afghans. Great for "ambifiberous" crafters, but not for me. I guess I'll just say that I liked checking it out from the library for ideas, and if I had it I wouldn't be throwing it out, but I wouldn't buy it new (I'm not sure I even could; it came out in 1988). Also, quite a few of the afghans were the "Cross stitch on the afghan stitch" variety, and I find that oh so tedious.

Who this book might not be for: people like me., Narrow, I know, but I'm tired of this book and am ready to take it back.

I hope these reviews are helpful to a few. I know I always enjoy hearing pros and cons of new-to-me books from fellow crocheters!

Additional disclaimer: I haven't actually made any of the afghans from these books yet, so I can't speak to full accuracy of patterns.

posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 07, 2006 @ 12:15 PM